Friday, September 12, 2008

'Golf in the Kingdom' movie producer names Auke Hempenius Director of Wardrobe

Mindy Affrime, Producer of Golf in the Kingdom, a movie being made about Michael Murphy's book with the same title, recently selected yours truly as the Director of Wardrobe for the movie.

Cast and crew for the independent production are now prepping for 30 days of on-location shooting at Bandon Dunes Golf Resort in Oregon.

Affrime said in her recent press release... "Mike and I are so happy to give Auke the platform to create amazing clothes for such interesting characters like the indomitable Shivas Irons and of course the American lad, Michael Murphy.

"His expertise, sense of style and love of the authentic are a 'perfect fit' for our films. Auke joins Roger Guyett of ILM, Arturo Smith, Jeffrey Kushon and John Ashworth as an integral part of the creative film crew".

Check out the full article .

I consider it quite an honor to be selected for this prestigious endeavor.

Always in fashion


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