Monday, December 22, 2008

The Aukesphere merges with

Let me first wish all our Fashionable golf aficionado's a blessed Holiday season. I hope 2009 brings you health, prosperity and most importantly unprecedented Style!

I am stoked to announce that the Aukesphere will merge with our brand spanking new effort , the multimedia platform, which we expect will be the benchmark for visceral execution in Golf photography and High Definition Video.

The logo you see on the right is created from our photo shoot at incredible Stone Eagle and will become our calling card. The Golf Cognoscente Consortium will lead the way in luxury golf brand marketing and will become the most fashionable address for all your Stylish Golf wardrobe, - accessories and equipment needs!

In 2009 look for in-depth features of all member brands and a killer introduction at the PGA Show with a sake hour at HONMA and a Chivas tasting at Antas. We will inform you of the GCC tapings and events ... you have to be there, to experience the finest in Golf & Style!!!!

I will see you at and around the country at fabulous Golf venues.

Respectfully and always in Golf Cognoscente Style,


Monday, December 15, 2008

A sneak peak at the photographic images of Golf Cognoscente.

For our loyal readers/viewers we would like to give you a little preview of the fantastic photographs of our Golf Cognoscente shoot at the visually dramatic Stone Eagle Golf Club in Palm Desert(photos).

We are currently in the editing process of our premier issue and it is a pretty cool experience to work on what promises to be quite the launch at the PGA Merchandise Show.

The high definition footage will be converted in a fabulous marketing tool for all our marketing partners to be shown off at the show. As soon as we have a sneak peak ready we will post it for you.

In closing a tidbit of news ... the brand spanking new Web site will launch Jan. 1 with a photographic gallery and HD video, which will redefine the golf multimedia platform as we know it.

I wish all of you a joyous Holiday season and a prosperous 2009 in good health ... Auke.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Golf Cognoscente shoot at Stone Eagle in Palm Desert turns out simply ... SPREZZATURA

When five months of work culminate in one big day there is a lot on the line... We as the entire crew of Golf Cognoscente were so fortunate and blessed with all components coming together like MAGIC! It was simply ... Sprezzatura (effortless genius)!

The weather was Desert Supreme on Friday Dec. 5 .... clear and sunny mid-70s. We all arrived a day early on Thursday to scout the Awesome Stone Eagle property in haze and clouds. I had tried to add an automotive component to the shoot but to no avail ... well when we were getting ready to make the hike up to the golf course at 1100 feet of elevation, from the pro-shop this retro sounding car pulled up ... a mint condition Champagne 1940 Packard convertible owned by Stone Eagle member Robert MacLochlen. We found a way to get it ON the driving range by way of gravel path and security gate and it was the perfect Gatsby era prop to our shoot.

We combined an HD Video DVD shoot and photo shoot all in one day and ended up with 3.5 hours of High Definition Video content and 680 photographic images. Our Golf Iconoclasts were Stone Eagle Pro Emeritus Al Geiberger, Ashworth principal partner and creative Director John Ashworth and Renaissance Golf Course Architect Tom Doak.

The format is truly one of a kind. Play golf with our feature subjects of Golf Cognoscente Magazine at a spectacular venue and record it photographically and on HD video to create an authentic and visually compelling new multimedia platform in Golf. Scott Clark played a few holes with Tom Doak, yours truly played a few holes with John Ashworth and Tom Doak and John Ashworth played a few holes with John Ashorth draining a 25 footer on the 18th for a natural birdie! The Fashion shoot took place with the Packard on the range and on 18 and 19! My great friend Al Geiberger was our host and instructed both Tom Doak and myself. He also explained the single pivot technique and put some HONMA equipment to the test.

Over the next couple of weeks I will chronicle the entire shoot, but for now I want to thank my business partner Scott Clark, our videographer Whitey Wilson and our photographer Erika Seress for a Fabulous job pulling this all together. Our Golf Cognoscente marketing partners Antas Golf, Marbas, HONMA, Martin Dingman, Walter Genuin, Esquivel, Dorfman-Pacific, Jox Sox, MacKenzie golf bags and E-motion are true visionary companies for coming on board and sharing our vision.

I would like to thank John Fitzpatrick and Ted Lannon of Stone Eagle for allowing us to shoot at Stone Eagle, which Tom Doak calls his most visually dramatic project above Cape Kidnappers and Pacific Dunes ( I have proof ). It was a fantastic experience to shoot our premier issue at such an AWESOME and unique venue. From the pro-shop staff, to the golf pro, to the food & beverage staff ... the treatment was world-class!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Golf Cognoscente photo/HD Video DVD shoot set for Stone Eagle

What do you get when you put together like minded luxury Golf companies like HONMA golf equipment, Marbas Italian golf apparel, Martin Dingman leathergoods for life, Antas Golf hand tailored luxury in custom Golf slacks, Walter Genuin golf shoes, Esquivel custom shoes, E-motion sensor controlled electronic caddy, Mackenzie golf bags and Jox Sox ... Golf Cognoscente!

It almost looked like it was not going to happen, let's not pull the wool over the golf ball here ... times are tough these days. But here is proof that execution at a world class level will attract the right marketing partners.

I am delighted to report that John Ashworth will be there to shed his unique perspective on the world of authentic Style in Golf. The hottest Golf course designer on the planet, Tom Doak will "show" us the nuances and intricacies of Stone Eagle ... his gem in Palm Desert. My dear friend Al Geiberger will show us where to hit it at Stone Eagle and will uncover the secrets of the single pivot technique.

Golf Cognoscente will be launched in print at the PGA Merchandise Show with a launch party at HONMA during their first annual Sake-hour the first day of the Show and a cocktail hour at Antas Golf on the second day of the Show. Golf Cognoscente will only be available through our marketing partners and during the PGA Shows in Orlando and Las Vegas.

The shoot will be this Friday and we will share images and footage with our audience soon thereafter.

Stoked.......from Beverly Hills....Auke.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What do exotic cars and golf have in common?

I was wondering what my subject should be, when I reminded myself that our evening in Italy party at Cavallini actually had a link to golf! Let's talk about fabulous cars and the golfers that love them.

Let's start with No 1 him self Sir Tiger. With his well publicized sponsor relationship with Buick, the real cognoscenti know that Tiger LOVES his Porsche(s) ... Mr. Appleby can be seen parking his yellow Lamborghini in the Bay Hill parking lot every March.

But who among pro golfers is the most prolific car aficionado? There is no contest here ... Darren Clark is well known for his passion of fast and exotic wheels. Well there you have it... last Wednesday at Cavallini in Beverly Hills we organized a client appreciation event with Ferrari race car driver Costantino Bertuzzi ... if only Darren could have been there. We will draw a race experience with "Costa" during the Cavallini Holiday party on Dec.11, so for all you golfers in the SoCal area, come on over!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Golf Cognoscente taking shape beautifully in tough times

I am delighted to report that the premier issue of Golf Cognoscente is taking shape beautifully. We are receiving a tremendous amount of support in these tough times, due to the fact that we are creating a luxury lifestyle Golf magazine/HD video DVD property unlike any other.

The support from our publishing partner Beverly Hills Report is amazing and the content will be focusing in-depth on Couture and Golf. We will be shooting at Stone Eagle in Palm Desert on Dec. 5 and our major marketing partners HONMA equipment, Blue Star Jets private planes, Antas custom Golf slacks and Walter Genuin Golf shoes will be showcasing their product.

We can't wait to launch the premier issue at the PGA Show in Orlando and share our passion with 50,000 global attendees. I will keep you posted on developments closer to the publishing date.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Severiano Ballesteros the virtuoso is in my prayers

The latest news is that Severiano is stabilizing after three brain surgeries. I hope and pray he makes it through the toughest challenge of his life and will be able to enjoy health and prosperity in his later years. Having read most or all of the news articles during these trying times for "Seve", something was amiss.

Yes, a reference to the European Arnold Palmer was nice, but here is my contention. Where are the personalities today? Some cognoscente in the fine arts state that supreme talent only arrives once a century, well I guess we'll have to wait maybe 10, 20 or 50 years? What about Tiger Woods? With all due respect to Tiger and his phenomenal record ... a lot of what made Seve truly Seve was his swashbuckling personality in his prime.

Let me go back a little further in time in the American Golf history books and give you my equivalent of Seve on this side of the pond ... Walter Hagen. A self made swing and a short game that would put the scare in every player that walked up to the first tee to face him! In today's global commercial sports world a kid with that much talent would be "robotted" by age 12.

I am reminded of Payne Stewart's dad to his new high school coach....."You can teach him to be on time and behave, but don't change his swing". When I used to watch the Chrysler Cup in Sarasota in the early '90s, I was always mesmerized by Chi Chi Rodriguez' incredible talent and individualism. Will we see another Walter Hagen, Chi Chi Rodriguez or Seve Ballesteros among the crop of current or up and coming Tour players? Will we be impressed by low scores and long drives for the sake of the game or are there others yearning to have virtuosity and individualism sprinkled in among this great game's most important ingredients?

Seve you are an original ... may you fully recover to enjoy the golden years of a life that has given so much joy to golf aficionado's the world over.

In creative spirit


Friday, October 31, 2008

Interview with 'Golf in the Kingdom' Producer Mindy Affrime

Recently I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Golf in the Kingdom Producer Mindy Affrime, about the history of the movie.

"When I was working at Warner Brothers I got pitched on Golf in the Kingdom. I read the book and it really spoke to the way I played golf. I used to play on late Friday afternoons in Mill Valley by myself and experienced the sublime qualities that golf offers, like merging with nature, opportunity for reflection and quieting the mind. I loved the book and through a friend at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, I called Michael Murphy the author. We had a great conversation ... back in 1989.

We met in Saucilito, hit it off, came back to Hollywood and wrote him a check. Clint Eastwood got word of the movie project and wanted to meet with us. After a meeting with Michael, myself and Clint, Michael said:"I can't think of anybody better to make Golf in the Kingdom."
Clint has been a great supporter of the GITK project and calls it his golf "bible."

A few years ago Clint relinquished his rights to the movie, for Michael and myself to independently create a movie that reflects the authenticity and integrity of the greatest Golf novel ever written."

Tune in next week to see how next year on the 20th anniversary of that fateful first conversation Golf in the Kingdom will become a reality in 2009!

In Shivas' spirit,


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

'Golf in The Kingdom' pre-production set

The pre-production for the movie Golf in the Kingdom is set for Nov. 15 at Bandon Dunes Golf Resort in Oregon. Stay tuned for my next blog, where I will be posting my interview with Mindy Affrime, the movie's producer. For more information on Golf in the Kingdom go to

Always fashionable

Monday, October 13, 2008

adidas group acquires Ashworth Inc.

In a development rumored in the golf business over the last couple of weeks, adidas group has acquired all outstanding Ashworth shares for $ 1.90 a share equaling 72.8 million in cash. The acquisition will give Ashworth the global clout of a power house of an athletic brand and the resources to accomplish what Ashworth could not accomplish on it's own ... deep penetration in all golf channels globally!

With John Ashworth's return to his namesake brand last year, insiders expected a quick turn around from the dismal developments in the last decade. It wasn't that easy.....distribution mistakes and lack of creativity in design left deeper scars than expected. Now with the new owners, who know a thing or two about global domination and fierce competition, I have a feeling we will see the Ashworth Eddie Fadel imagined when he returned to Ashworth.

John Ashworth at the helm creatively with unrivaled designs and a return to the glory days of the early 90s! Let's hope that the adidas group respects the talents of Eddie Fadel and John Ashworth and let's this dynamic duo run Ashworth the way it should have been run for the last 10 years.

This also signifies the recognition of a smart global business entity that a Golf apparel company should be run by knowledgeable insiders, instead of by a board made up of hedge fund financial "experts", who don't have a clue about the Golf business!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Golf Cognoscente to launch at PGA Show in Orlando

How does it feel to go against the grain of gloom and doom ... I am happy to say ... FABULOUS!!!!

Who in the right mind would think of launching a new multimedia project in Golf right now? I'll go with the words of Joe Puskarich of Foundation Golf custom slacks...."You are considered a renegade in the Golf business." ... I'll take that quote any day and proudly wear the title of renegade.

When a labor of love comes to fruition, it seems like it has a self propelling energy ... like-minded people create this "fraternity" and it grows from there. I have to say a large part of the mind boggling progress of Golf Cognoscente is word of mouth -- six degrees of separation? Try one degree of separation ... everybody involved in our project seems to know just the right people!

From our visit to other worldly Stone Eagle in Palm Desert or as I like to say "On top of the world" with my dear friend Al Geiberger, to a conversation with Todd Rohrer of MacKenzie Golf Bags saying: " I don't know what I can contribute financially, but I want to be a part of this." ... to Eddie Fadel, president of Ashworth giving us the supreme compliment:" Having John Ashworth on the cover is a BIG deal!"

Let me not omit my good friend and net worker extraordinaire Scott Clark, president of Lost Ball Productions in San Francisco, who at 32? ... has the art of networking down like nobodies business! Scott from me to you, it is a privilege to work with you!

Ooohhh ... how about The Shivas Irons Society and it's fearless leader Steve Cohen? Let me tell you, if you are a Golf Aficionado you just HAVE to join. Visit and give them some money for a membership ... it will be the best money you spend in 2008!

I guess it is apparent by now, that we LOVE what we do and we just can't wait to have everybody share in what we believe will redefine the Golf publishing and HD/video business as we know it. Golf Cognoscente -- the authority on the luxury lifestyle of Golf!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What a Scottish affair in Beverly Hills!

Monday night was transformed into a premier movie kind of night with the entire cast of Golf in the Kingdom present at the Glenfiddich tasting at Cavallini! Everyone had a great time tasting the Glenfiddich Single Malt Scotch, the gourmet cheeses from the Cheese Impresario and enjoying the fabulous products of Cavallini Italian Clothier and Leon's jewelry of Beverly Hills.

If the atmosphere was any indication, the shooting of the movie in Bandon Dunes will be a well-oiled affair. David O'Hara was the perfect example of a Scottish "gentle" man, making those smooth Glenfiddich shots disappear in the blink of an eye. With the entire creative team present, Cavallini was transformed in Golf Movie Central, with networking between movie moguls and L.A. executives.

Stay tuned to the Aukesphere for the latest news on the production of what promises to be a Golf movie classic with the best dressed golfers of all time ... Golf in the Kingdom!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Golf in the Kingdom cast to appear at Cavallini for Glenfiddich tasting

David O'Hara, lead actor Golf in the Kingdom, will be appearing at Cavallini in Beverly Hills for a Glenfiddich tasting.

This little Scottish affair will take place at Italian Clothier Cavallini Monday, September 29 at 6 p.m. Yours truly will host the entire cast of Golf in the Kingdom for a jolly good night of revelry with Glenfiddich ambassador Ray Pearson. The tasting will include 12-year - , 15-year - and 18-year-old Glenfiddich Single Malt Scotch Whiskey.

For more information on Golf in the Kingdom go to For more information on the great brand of Glenfiddich, go to

Friday, September 26, 2008

Davis Love III receives 2008 Payne Stewart Award

Caught between the west and east coasts, I wanted to take make sure to stop and take a quick moment to pass on my congratulations to Davis Love III for him receiving the 2008 Payne Stewart Award. If you have checked out my blogs before, you all know my affinity for Payne and his family. Recently, my friend Robert and the guys at recently posted their thoughts on Davis deservedly receiving this prestigious award.

Please enjoy his article.

Always in fashion,


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My visit to Stone Eagle and meeting with Mr 59!

I am in AWE of my first visit to Stone Eagle... there is not another golf course that I have ever seen that compares to the uniqueness of it. Masterfully "framed" in a bowl shaped outcropping at 1,100 feet elevation in Palm Desert by renaissance golf course designer Tom Doak, there is such a one-of-a-kind sensibility about the makes you literally feel like you are on TOP OF THE WORLD!

The vista's are grandiose with several viewpoints like the 7th tee where you can see 16 of the 18 holes. It was a visit for Golf Cognoscente, but I knew my good friend Al Geiberger was the pro emeritus. I hadn't seen Al in several years and to my delight he showed up while we were on property. He was pleasantly surprised, since he thought I was still back in Florida. get a personal tour by Al Geiberger was such a treat. After the tour with Al's expert tips and nuances about the fabulous layout, I can't wait to return and tee it up!

We proceeded to the range and Al hit some balls and let me tell you ... at 71 he still has one of the best swings on the planet! He won his division with Jimmy Powell in Savannah at the Legends this year and I challenged him to play New Port Beach this coming March.

It was a delightful day at a memorable venue, which we are looking forward to feature on the cover of the premier issue of GCQ.

We appreciate the hospitality by Ted Lennon and John Fitzpatrick and Al, it was great to see you, I'll be back soon!

In AWE.....Auke.

Friday, September 12, 2008

'Golf in the Kingdom' movie producer names Auke Hempenius Director of Wardrobe

Mindy Affrime, Producer of Golf in the Kingdom, a movie being made about Michael Murphy's book with the same title, recently selected yours truly as the Director of Wardrobe for the movie.

Cast and crew for the independent production are now prepping for 30 days of on-location shooting at Bandon Dunes Golf Resort in Oregon.

Affrime said in her recent press release... "Mike and I are so happy to give Auke the platform to create amazing clothes for such interesting characters like the indomitable Shivas Irons and of course the American lad, Michael Murphy.

"His expertise, sense of style and love of the authentic are a 'perfect fit' for our films. Auke joins Roger Guyett of ILM, Arturo Smith, Jeffrey Kushon and John Ashworth as an integral part of the creative film crew".

Check out the full article .

I consider it quite an honor to be selected for this prestigious endeavor.

Always in fashion


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A photo shoot like no other

My last day at the Payne Stewart Golf Club in Branson, Mo. was a GREAT experience…. a photo shoot with 11-year-old "little Payne" Baron. If his swing is an indication watch out PGA Tour 2020! He will be the best dressed for sure in plus fours.

We hit balls on 3, 4 and 18 and in this picture Bob Allen and I - in appropriate attire with Fore ltd shoes - are admiring Baron's swing on the 4th tee. His sister Courtney and his mom photographer Kimber were absolutely delightful ... a great time was had by all.

I will most certainly return soon, to what I consider the premier golf course and must travel Golf destination in the Midwest -- The Payne Stewart Golf Club!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fashion in Vegas and sneak peak at Payne Stewart Golf Club

A fabulous week ... first I had the pleasure of viewing all of the outstanding fashion at the great PGA Fall Expo in Vegas followed by four fabulous days during the 9-hole opening of the FANTASTIC Payne Stewart Golf Club in Branson, Mo.  

I was truly touched and honored when I was invited to be the very first to tee off, with the first official group on the first tee early Friday. I felt Payne's spirit when I striped it down the middle with a gentle draw, just like Payne would have.

I can't say enough about the hospitality extended to me by iconic Bob Allen who embodies the spirit of Payne Stewart in such a caring and loving way. I stayed at the infamous birdhouse where we had a great party on Friday night. The Silver Oak, which was Payne's favorite wine flowed freely and I want to thank Gary Fultz for cooking great steak on the grill and Mark Elgin for being a fabulous host! 

I met Tony the new assistant pro and his wife Shawna and they are going to LOVE it in Branson. I played 27 holes on Sunday and let me tell you when this course opens in its full glory in May 2009 it will be a Tour caliber venue. I played it from the tips and it is ALL any touring professional will be able to handle! It is my sincere wish that the powers to be in Ponte Vedra will consider the Payne Stewart Golf Club for a Tour event. 

The clubhouse is spectacular with pictures, trophies and memorabilia of Payne's life. The pro shop has a plethora of great brands in men's and women's fashion and of course a nice selection of Payne's fours! You will even see Payne's own Fore ltd shoes about an infusion of spirit!

People get HAVE to make a trip either now or when the entire 18 holes open in May 2009 and tell Bob Allen and his dynamite shop manager Heather Holmes I sent you!

In Payne's spirit,


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

John Ashworth to grace cover of premier issue of Golf Cognoscente Quarterly

Hello from Las Vegas

As promised here is an update on Golf Cognoscente Quarterly -- golf's luxury lifestyle quarterly. The premier issue is taking shape very quickly. I met with HONMA the entire day on Monday....The Art of club making.... and we'll hear soon from Sakata Japan if they will become a major marketing partner of GCQ.

Tuesday I walked the PGA Fall Expo and met with John Ashworth. He will be our cover story for the premier issue of GCQ and suggested Aviara in Carlsbad as the location for our first cover.

I also met with Jimmy Glass the VP of sales of Marbas and he loved the GCQ media kit and the philosophy of our magazine.

I ran into Duffy Waldorf, who will be introducing his own label of wine this December which coincides with the launch of GCQ!

My partner in crime Scott Clark will meet with Aetna Springs in Napa Valley and I will meet with Pelican Hill in Newport Coast next week.

The response has been overwhelmingly positive to our efforts, in large part based on the content, which will cover a great variety of fascinating subjects in the world of Golf, Lifestyle and Luxury.

I will be at The Payne Stewart Golf Club in Branson, Mo. for the rest of the week and will report on the opening of the first nine holes of the FABULOUS Bobby Clampett designed track in the Ozark Mountains.


Friday, August 22, 2008

Most fashionable announcement of 2008 - GOLF COGNOSCENTE QUARTERLY... Launching Fall 08

Table of Contents

Architect Profile: Tom Doak
His Pacific Dunes just took the No. 1 spot from Pebble Beach

The Shivas Irons Society:
The Art & Literature of Golf

Golf & Wine Travel
Cork & Tee
Livermore, Calif.

John Ashworth:
California style in fabric and form

Auke's A-list:
Esquivel, Cloud 11 "Best of the Best"

Scott Clark Presents:
The new Aetna Springs
Napa Valley, Calif.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nicole Castrale brings black golf dress to Fashionable New York Times

If you have followed the last few weeks on the Aukesphere, I have made references to the increased attention of mainstream media to Golf and Fashion.... well, the black Golf dress may become the female version of Tiger's red. With Paula Creamer sporting her signature Pink, we may have a green carpet challenge on Sunday's on the LPGA Tour!

Maybe the LPGA Tour will take a chapter from the women's tennis tour and start "branding" their players in the cosmopolitan and fashionable way the WTA does. Take a look at the fabulous annual photo shoots that are done as promotion for the U.S. Open at Flushing Meadow. Maria Sharapova and Serena Williams are the poster girls for what I consider the very best marketing of women athletes.

The article in the Aug. 11 edition of The New York Times section D9, gives me great confidence, that "we" in Golf are on the right track.

The W7 LPGA players managed by Wilhelmina Artist Management are a step in the right direction and the results are pretty cool ... they all like to be part of a Fashionable team and guess what ... they all seem to have a pretty good year and attribute their improved play on their involvement in the W7!

So, would there be credence to the idea of look good, feel good, play good? Well to take a page from Ahead's "play" book, I certainly think so!!! All we have to do now is wait for the next color to be claimed on the LPGA Tour for Sunday final rounds!

My vote is for Orange to be next!


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Honma redefines the art of golf club making

Future plans include bolstering U.S. and European markets

In Asia Honma is a revered name, which instantaneously evokes the response of the finest golf clubs in the world. In the next few years that will be the case in the U.S. as well. With media coverage in GQ, the Robb Report, Travel & Leisure Golf and an appearance by President of Premier Golf Distributors Inc. Chris Lannom on Fox news New York, Honma is building it's brand in the U.S. The first six months in 2008, business is up and Honma has distributed in the United States for 20 years.

In a 592,000 square foot facility 200 miles north of Tokyo in Sakata Japan, artisans in hand crafting golf clubs have painstakingly created Honma golf clubs for 50 years. Where the other brands mass-produce for the masses, Honma handcrafts each set of clubs to exact specifications for their global clientele. With prices starting at $ 4,000 - to upwards of $ 50,000 - for a complete set, Honma counts the very elite like Donald Trump, Jack Nicholson and Danny de Vito among their clientele.

With an exclusive dealer network in the major metropolitan areas in the USA and Canada, Honma has a very selective network of golf retail accounts that serve the needs of the Honma clientele, which consists of 80 percent Asian-Americans. Honma is represented on the professional tours by Mi Hyun Kim and Jin Joo Hong on the LPGA Tour and Liang Wen Chong and Zhang Lian 'Wei on the Asian tour. Were other brands spend millions on endorsing tour players Honma believes that the world class quality of the Honma golf clubs are the reason for their global success.

With presence at the PGA Fall show in Las Vegas in August and a new booth to be unveiled at the PGA show in Orlando in January, Honma will strengthen its presence state side. The 50th Anniversary limited edition set is almost sold out, which is a testament to the global reputation of Honma, which among the Golf Cognoscenti is called the Rolls Royce of golf clubs. For information about a regional representative of Honma, go to

As a single-digit handicapper, I can personally attest to the fabulous quality of the Honma clubs. I received my new set about two months ago and have seen a remarkable improvement in my game and … they immediately create a conversation with every single playing partner. I am very sensitive to aesthetics and the driver and 3 wood are so gorgeous visually, they instill positive swing thoughts from the moment you pull them from the bag, until the ball lands long and straight in the middle of the fairway ... ahead of your playing partners!

Fairway & Greens....

Auke Hempenius

Friday, August 1, 2008

HONMA Photo shoot tonight (Aug. 1) at Bentley of Beverly Hills

The new 50th Anniversary limited edition HONMA set will be photographed tonight (Aug. 1) at Bentley of Beverly Hills with a 2008 Black and Orange Bentley Continental two-door Coupe.

Check out the Aukesphere early next week, for the amazing results of a great co-branding effort between the finest golf clubs of the world and a venerable auto mark ... Bentley.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Greg Norman transcends what is a game into what is life!

I was planning to feature a company in this week's Aukesphere's blog, but then Greg Norman decided to turn us from realists into dreamers...

The most telling quote after the British open was: " If you want something, go get it, chase your dream at any age" and for that I thank Greg. I had the pleasure of interviewing Greg after his final round at the Father and Son tournament in 2007 and came away impressed.

In his earlier days Greg was not very well liked on Tour … he was considered rather aloof and selfish ... but this was 20 years ago! Greg is in the best place of his life, because he is fulfilled in his personal life. His aggressive playing style that used to pulverize golf courses is still embedded in the body of this 53-year young Australian Golf icon. Ask any of the 20-plus Australians on Tour and they will answer en masse ... Greg Norman was their inspiration when they grew up.

On the Fashion front, it was a "regular" cap that topped the graying locks of Norman, due to the constant gale at Royal Birkdale. But with his physique in the best shape of ANY athlete at this tender age obviously the Greg Norman Collection gained tremendous exposure last week.

In the afore mentioned interview Greg mentioned the Greg Norman brand had 22 consecutive growing quarters! Hopefully the brand takes advantage with some congratulatory ads in the Golf media. I for one will get in touch with the PR person Nikki di Gennario and personally extend my congratulations.

Not often it is that a sport in this case Golf enters mainstream conscience ... Greg's story was one that inspired, delighted and instilled hope to chase the dream ... whatever that may be ... for that ... Greg, thank you for the inspiration to millions!

See you on the Senior Tour in March 2011!


Monday, July 14, 2008

Absence makes the heart ...for the game ... grow fonder

Coming back from a week in Mexico without golf due to rain, it made me realize how the game affects my life. Playing the game gives me not only a creative outlet, but also is such a great way to get to know people. Having enjoyed the culture, people and traditions of Mexico in Tijuana, Mexico City and Cuernavaca, it feels good to be back in the good old US of A. My decision to extend my stay in California is sinking in and in the next eight months I will be reporting from the West Coast.

On the Fashion front LA is a hip place and I am looking forward to play the great courses and reporting on the threads of California. I will also be visiting with some California based companies like adidas and Ashworth. If anyone has any great tips, let me know. I will be in the Thousand Oaks/LA area. I have played Trump National and Lost Canyons and will be playing Bel-Air Country Club soon.

On Tour it looks like Anthony Kim will be a spirited addition to the Ryder Cup team. His belt buckle is certainly getting the attention from the Fashion cognoscenti … belt buckles on both Tours are making a splash … Rocco Mediate, Annika Sorenstam, Suzann Pettersen and Lorena Ochoa are all sporting very cool buckles custom made per their instructions.

Starting next week I will be doing in-depth features on various Fashion companies.
Stay tuned and remember … the player that is dressed to kill always has the advantage … and always will.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

JOIN THE CLUB: Better Golf for Women

I had the distinct privilege to appear in a fashion segment on the PGA Web site. Each week they do a spot called Better Golf for Women presented by Kohler and this week's feature is on fashion. Check it out on the PGA Web site. It's under the Join the Club section.
Join the Club
Your golf game can vary from time to time, but you can always look good on the course.

Remember, a well-dressed golfer always has an advantage and always will ... when they are dressed to kill.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Traveling again

I am currently in one of the most populated cities in the world, Mexico City. In fact it is the 8th most populated city in the world. I can't wait to share my experiences with you upon my return.

Always fashionable


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Fashion world is taking notice of Golf and vice-versa!

Two recent Golf/Fashion happenings are indications that finally the worlds of golf and fashion are merging on a domestic and global scale. Wilhelmina Artist Management signed the W7, a sign that German Fashion Impresario Dieter Esch realizes that in order to expand his global modeling agency, golf gives him uncharted waters to sail! See for a comprehensive report on the W7. (related article in LA Times)

The second Golf/Fashion happening was Golf For Women's first ever Style issue ... a reminder again that when it comes to fashion ... the ladies are SO far ahead of us men! Although I was employed by the "competition" I want to commend Golf For Women and The Golf Digest Company for this comprehensive effort. If there only would be a comparable men's golf publication that would have the sartorial moxie to undertake such a fashionable effort.

So, with the absence of Tiger for the next year (don't expect Tiger back before The Masters 2009) having dominated the golf news and the delightful disposition of Rocco Mediate becoming a great story, maybe fashion can claim it's rightful place in Golf!

If a global modeling agency and the No. 1 women's golf publication think enough of Fashion to make it their focus, who should follow? How about the networks dedicating more time and an expert to fashion features at the big tournaments. This way we can avoid the uninformed "side" comments of broadcasters, that know a lot about golf, but little about style & fashion. Fashion is a visual exercise and The Golf Channel has done very little with their resident expert Marty Hackel that takes on the fashion issue seriously!

Let me close with my prediction of the most Fashionable Golf organization of 2008 ... The LPGA ... they are starting to understand that fashion brands and luxury companies can be an integral part of the sponsorship pool. Once again we are being outsmarted by the smarter gender on the fashion front. Maybe it's time for the PGA Tour to hire a fashion expert to raise the fashion awareness and fashion brand sponsor involvement on the PGA Tour.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Southern California calls me ... so does home!

Southern California ... the land of celebrity, the Lakers, U.S. Open and amazing weather ... and the great experience of EURO 2008.

My sincere apologies for the delay on this report, but between the constant celebrity sightings, The Lakers NBA Final run, The U.S. Open at Torrey Pines and EURO 2008, where do I find the time? On my unexpected extended stay in Southern California I run into William Baldwin - with whom I share a birthday - frequently at the Beverly Hills Starbucks, run into Kelsy Grammer - with whom I share a birthday - at Tra di Noi in Malibu and see Jack Nicholson, Kimora Lee Simmons among others ... that's Tinseltown for you!

The city of Los Angeles has been swept away by the Lakers run and the Gold and Purple is everywhere. Although I have a tie with the Celtics, since Doc Rivers makes his home in my former place of residence Winter Park.

Oh golf ... well, enough said about Tiger's incredible U.S. Open victory ... just world class all the way. I had a hunch that we would see very little of Tiger the rest of the year and I was right. Reports today confirm that Tiger has shut it down for the rest of the season. But in the process Rocco Mediate won the heart of every golf fan and inspired every aging player to take on the young guns anytime! Little to report on the Fashion front except the stupid comment by Johnny Miller referring to Fashion plate Camilo Villegas' outfit as the viewer expecting him to show up to paint your house ... Keep it to the golf Johnny!

Okay ... I confess to the real reason for the delay ... My Dutch heritage has been swept up in EURO 2008, the European soccer championship where the "Brilliant Orange" have been dominating opponents like Italy, France and Romania. It is truly hard to convey what soccer means back home ... how about 50,000 Dutch supporters traveling to Bern to watch the game on a big screen in a CITY SQUARE just to be part of the jubilant festivities. I guess I'll get back to golf the first week of July?

As for SoCal ... very cool place with SO much to do, the question is how to"fit" it all in!


Monday, June 2, 2008

Sublime Trump National in Rancho Palos Verdes

It is not often that we get a chance to play a golf course where the entire course offers a vista of the grand Pacific Ocean. I was fortunate enough to play in the 2nd Annual Salvation Army Celebrity Golf Classic last Thursday at Trump National and it was a day to remember. Once you pass the Los Angeles harbor off the 110 it is just a few winding miles to Rancho Palos Verdes.

The golf course is situated on four different plateaus directly on the ocean. The views are just spectacular and the golf course is doing its reputation justice ... amazing!!! I suggest you bring your A-Game or a couple of extra sleeves of balls, if you have a chance to play this rather unforgiving gem, with waterfalls on three holes and penal rough!

I had the honor of playing with one of the most talented juniors in the country, 12-year-old Jonah Texeira from San Diego ... we had a fabulous time and turned in a 9-under for our shamble only 14 shots out of first place!

Plenty of celebrities in trendy threads were on hand for pictures and a great dinner with a Salvation Army presentation was inspiring. It's a good feeling to be able to contribute to a great charity and create relationships with like-minded golfers from different locales.

The "goody" bag had a very cool Fidra shirt as one of the gifts and what I will remember most is the camaraderie among our group and the great 12-year-old talent out driving me on just about every hole!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Full report on my pilgrimage to the Payne Stewart Golf Club in Branson Missouri

Upon my arrival in Springfield my great friend Bob Allen picked me up at the airport and we went straight to the Payne Stewart Golf Club in Branson, hopped on a turbo charged construction proof golf cart and toured the golf course ... WOW... where to begin.

The elevation from the first tee down to the fairway gets your attention right away, this is a beautiful and very solid opening hole. The front nine meanders through the hilly terrain of the Ozark plateau with nine being a very tough par four with a made for precision only second shot. Payne Stewart was a shot maker of the finest kind and expect to have to shape your ball here in order to score. Bobby Clampett and his team have done an admirable job of variety of shot selection, length and my favorite, they demand creativity around the greens.

The back nine starts out with a power fader's dream of a hole and by the time you get to the 15th hole you may choose between four different clubs on your approach, depending where the flag is on this long and narrow green.

There have been some creative names coined for certain stretches of holes, so what to call the closing 3 hole stretch at the Payne Stewart Golf Club ... Payne's World? You do need laser like long iron approaches, straight driving and a great short game, so that's my suggestion and I am sticking to it!

The 16th is a long par 3. .. all carry over water and if the pin is in the back right, I suggest NOT to shoot at it. The 17th is a tough par four that requires pin point precision ... from the TEE! A demanding second shot hopefully ends up ON the green ... par is a heck of a score! Eighteen is a slight dogleg left ... ALL the way uphill, hope you carry the hill, which leaves an approach that needs all your attention ... those bunkers are NOT green side, they are about 50 yards short, don't tell me I didn't warn you!

Measuring 7,400 yards from the tips the Payne Stewart Golf Club will instantaneously become a Tour level golf course. No matter what great events will be hosted at this special place ... the most special aspect is ... Payne Stewart's spirit is everywhere ... from his childhood friend Bob Allen to the wardrobe and trophy's displayed in the magnificent clubhouse to the special product - including the largest selection of plus fours in the country - you will come away in awe ... there is no place like it.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the entire team Bob, Gary, Mark, Steve, Heather, Jennifer, Jeanine, Daniel, Jeremy, Chuck, Jason and Sandy for making me feel like family in Branson, Missouri and show this worldly guest what a fantastic place they have chosen to reside.

The Pro-shop and Clubhouse will open June 21st. The first nine holes will open in September and the Grand Opening is scheduled two weeks before the Masters in April 2009. If you are ANY kind of golfer anywhere in the world ... you have to experience this very special golf course in a very special place.

With heartfelt thanks in Payne's spirit,

Auke Hempenius

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My pilgrimage to the Payne Stewart Golf Club in Branson Missouri

There is only one way to feel the spirit of the Payne Stewart Golf Club ... experience it in person.

A week so special, it will remain with me for the rest of my life.

I am on my way to the airport of Springfield Missouri after a very special week in Branson Missouri visiting the Payne Stewart Golf Club. I will give you all the details later this week of what has been a fabulous week in a wondrous location at a spectacular property. I want to take this opportunity to thank my great friend Bob Allen for unrivaled hospitality and introducing to me to the great team that will be responsible for this very special golf property.

For a look at the club and the golf course

Monday, May 5, 2008

Shivas Irons Society Florida Chapter launches with gathering at The PGA Golf Club

On April 26, The Florida Chapter of the Shivas Irons Society kicked off its activities with a day of camaraderie and golf at The PGA Golf Club in Port St Lucie. After an introduction of the Society by Florida organizers Bob Sabin and Auke Hempenius and a few Shivas inspired tips by PGA Golf Club GM Bob Baldassari, the group enjoyed 18 holes on the Pete Dye course.

Given the links type lay-out, the Dye course was a very appropriate venue for the SIS Florida Chapter Charter event. Afterwards the group visited the Historical museum for some Chivas Regal and expertly prepared hors d'oeuvres. The entire group received the Shivas Journal, the highly acclaimed periodical published by the Society.

The Florida chapter will host several events throughout the year and is in discussion with LPGA International for a Shivas Irons women's event and Sugerloaf Mountain for a Central Florida Shivas Irons event.

For information and dates of upcoming SIS events in Florida and nationwide please visit

Friday, April 25, 2008

First Ben Crenshaw/Bill Coore work of art in Florida is a Masterpiece!

Sugarloaf Mountain is best course in Florida PERIOD!

So what makes me an expert in rating a golf course? Twenty-four years in the state, more than 100 courses played among them World Woods, Bay Hill, Isleworth, Lake Nona and a few other top-rated in the Sunshine State. The beguiling, mesmerizing and meditative state inducing Sugarloaf Mountain has no equal. Located in the rolling hills of Minneola, North West of Orlando, it is definitely worth the time, effort and drive to ascend to Sugarloaf Mountain. The temporary clubhouse and the tent covering the carts, gives you the feeling that you are beating the throngs of people for a sneak preview.

Where do I start? The driving range gives you a view like no other ... seeing your ball flying downhill gives you the feeling you are hitting it at least a club longer! Head Professional and General Manager Jim Houston is a gracious host and gave me a personal tour of the golf equivalent of a master painter's work of art. The first tee is located on the highest part of the property and the gentle Ben dogleg left is a solid opening hole. Space does not permit me to elaborate on all the wonderful details, but the orange jasmine is one of my favorite natural accompaniments. The shaping of the bunkers is so natural; it appears they have always been there. Take a look at the attached photo gallery.

The front nine is a wonderfully balanced test of length and precision. The back nine is where the true test unfolds. The vistas are absolutely breathtaking, take time to enjoy them! The 13th hole is the most gorgeous hole with an elevation change of 88 feet. If you stand on the tee and you have not seen the hole before, it is daunting! The blind tee shot into the valley requires a gentle Ben draw, to take advantage of the slope and leaves a long, mid or short iron in, depending on length and direction. The view from the fairway is unprecedented ... downtown Orlando can be seen from the best vantage point on the course! The downhill flight of the ball on the second shot is such an awe inspiring experience, because there are very few golf shots in the world with THAT much elevation change ... WOW!

I have to make special mention of the 17th ... a monster par 3! Two hundred fifty-seven yards from the tips into the most picturesque framed scene on the course. The natural sand framing of the holes, non paved cart paths ... you gotta walk this links track to truly experience the nuances ... and the top of the world location make this a must for every golf aficionado in the country!

A very limited amount of non-member play is offered for a limited time until the membership reaches full capacity and will make it the finest private club experience in Central Florida! For information go to ... this opportunity will not last very long ... don't miss it!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I miss Payne Stewart!

It is now almost 8 1/2 years, since we lost a true gentleman of gentleman ... Payne Stewart. When I taped a Fashion demo at The Tour Championship at East Lake in Atlanta last year, I was priviliged to witness the ceremony for the Payne Stewart award and meet Tracy Stewart in person. Anytime the spirit of Payne touches me, I feel a very special emotion ... I enjoyed so much seeing him play and was always dressed for the occasion. During the one time I spent time with Payne in person during a photo shoot at Isleworth, Payne was his usual self ... needling an enthusiastic fan and fellow clothes horse. The memorial service at the First Baptist church in Orlando, were the most inspiring two hours of my entire life. I had two pair of shoes made identical to Payne's way back and every time I wear them ... my swing seems to have better rhythm.

Recently Payne's spirit has visited in the form of the soon to open Payne Stewart Golf Club in Branson Missouri, a very special tribute to the life and legacy of Payne. I met Bobby Clampett who is designing the golf course during the recent PGA show and Bobby introduced me to Bob Allen who has the honorable calling of being the Director of Golf. I have become quick friends with Bob Allen and can tell you, that this will be one of the most special experiences in Golf anywhere in the world.

My good friend Robert Lohrer, whom I have known for 15 years through our profession we share, recently wrote a blog on his new web site with a wonderful idea. Paul Azinger and Payne were the best of friends, how about the American Ryder Cup team wearing plus fours/knickers during a practice round or competition this September? Payne would have certainly been a Ryder Cup captain by now at age 51. It would be a great tribute to a great man, whose spirit will live forever in the great world of Golf.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Meeting in Style at Pebble Beach

When the conversation takes us to the most special places in Golf, Pebble Beach is always a participant. I was fortunate enough to visit last week for a meeting with Steve Cohen, the founder of The Shivas Irons Society and Scott Clark, the producer of The Nature of the Game movie.

When entering the gates to 17 mile drive and getting the first glimpse of revered Pebble it is like a look at a fine piece of art ... mesmerizing. Walking up to the lodge for my meeting in the Tap room, three splendidly attired staff members in tam o'shanters greeted me warmly, like a time gone by. The Tap room is a wonderful tribute to the rich history of Pebble Beach with fantastic photographs chronicling the so many golf shots embedded in the lore of Pebble.

After our meeting I meandered the grounds taking in the pro shop with collections of all the big names in the game and the already functional US Open 2010 shop. What impressed me most was the historical reference to the Bing Crosby Clambake - a tournament so rich in golf and celebrity history - with plaques and photographs.

My last few minutes I spent on the veranda overlooking the 18th hole with a glass of Pinot Grigio... taking in the sounds and sights of the spectacular scenery where the Pacific Ocean and nature collaborated on what many people have called the most beautiful place God created to play the glorious game of golf.

I ended the day with eleven holes of golf at Poppy Hills, totally unprepared in dress shoes, dress shirt and gloveless playing with Scott Clark's clubs and carrying Steve Cohen's bag. A spontaneous game with great company at a gem of a course.

May all of us be as fortunate to at least once visit this wonderful testament of virtuosic golf course design, hospitality hearkening back to a different time and a Style that reminds us, that there is a place on our planet that truly inspires.... Pebble Beach!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Shivas Irons Society launches Florida Chapter in Style at The PGA Golf Club April 26

In the Golden Age of Golf, the greats were attired in shirt and tie, plus fours and two-tone spectators. Well, don't be surprised to see some of those ensembles April 26th at The PGA Golf Club, when the Shivas Irons Society launches it's Florida Chapter.

Now in it's 16th year the Society will have a foothold in The Sunshine State. Besides my obvious passion for clothes, I have counted the metaphysical aspect of golf as one of my greatest interests.

The 1972 cult classic Golf in the Kingdom by Michael Murphy upon which' character Shivas Irons the SIS is based, was the true pioneer of an esotericely perceived "movement" at that time, to entering every aspect of mainstream golf today.

With Inner Game of Golf by Timothy Gallwey, Extraordinary Golf and Putting by Fred Shoemaker and Zen Golf by Dr. John Parent as best sellers evolving the genre, we see the presence of "the mental" game on all professional Tours and permeating recreational golf.

Who hasn't experienced that purest golf shot of their life or a round where everything seemed to move in slow motion and we only realized what we had done when we "woke up"? It is those moments or sustained times of effortless virtuosity we all yearn for when we tee it up and the visionaries of human potential in Golf have seen their business blossom.

The Shivas Irons Society has organized a plethora of events all over the country to find true gravity ... with a great sense of camaraderie and a like minded approach to the greatest Game ever played, the events are great experience and ... a lot of fun. So I encourage you to join us on Saturday April 26th at the links like Pete Dye course at the fabulous PGA Golf Club in Port St. Lucie for an introduction to The Shivas Irons Society, a great round of Golf and ... a Scotch tasting with Chivas Regal.

Now if you show up dressed for the occasion, you may find yourself ending up with The Best Dressed Award, which from the preliminary indications, could be as toughly contested as the Golf.

For registration, click on the following link.
Florida Chapter-Charter Event

In Shivas' spirit and always in Style,

Auke Hempenius

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Custom Golf Consortium

A world class experience showcasing the worlds finest customized golf products.
In the world of luxury product consumption, there is only one way to meet the needs of the discerning connoisseur ... create a one of a kind item, which exudes the highly personal taste level of the buyer.

In the world of golf, equipment has for many years offered a customized option ... custom clubs. The Custom Golf Consortium now makes that option available for the entire ensemble of attire. From hats and caps, to golf shirts, belts, belt buckles, custom slacks, custom shoes, weather wear and custom grips the finest companies in each respective classification are a member of this most elite club.

Through a national series of events at the most luxurious host venues, The Custom Golf Consortium will present it's unrivaled selection of world class products to the most affluent of golf product purchasers. Through shared marketing efforts each member company multiplies it's individual efforts x the amount of member companies. The result is a revenue producing series of events, which will be considered the finest of its kind.

Member Companies
Hats - Elevee
Shirts - Marbas
Slacks - Elevee
Knickers - T Barry Knickers
Belts - Martin Dingman
Belt buckles - 59 belts
Shoes - Otabo
Weather wear - Pro Quip
Grips - C-thru grips
Equipment- HONMA-
Golf bags- The MacKenzie Golf Bag Company-

The introduction of The Custom Golf Consortium is scheduled for a special event in South Florida at the end of April. The Custom Golf Consortium will be the feature attraction for the first ever Fashion Village at the JPC Golf & Gala May 12 at The Ritz-Carlton Tysons Corner and May 13 at The Cannon Ridge Golf Club in Fredericksberg, Va. The venereble Inverness Club in Toledo Ohio will feature The Custom Golf Consortium June 5, 6 and 7.

For bookings please contact Auke Hempenius at or 407-808-2598.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Let's talk about Tiger ... and his great outfit on Saturday

Well, let's talk about Tiger ... and his great outfit on Saturday.

For the well informed among Golf fashionista's it is well documented, that I have been quite critical of Tiger's Nike attire over the years. The poor fit in the early days were followed by my favorite Tiger era of better fitting bold and vibrant colors, turning into the classic approach of the last several years.

When a global powerhouse like Nike makes a statement like they did with Tiger's Saturday outfit at Bay Hill they deserve ALL the credit in the world. With international influences of the runways in Milan, Paris, London and New York dictating the color scheme of seasonal high fashion brands, the time has now come for Golf to step up to the Fashion plate. The Plum colored ensemble Mr. Woods was sporting on Saturday was an awesome display of global fashion savvy by Nike.

With the main fashion influences on the PGA Tour coming from international entries like Camilo Villegas and Adam Scott, Tiger represents the American sensibility like no other ... talk about TV time!!!! I hope the new direction initiated by Saturday's showcase at Bay Hill AND the great cover on the current April 2008 Golf Magazine in a Yellow and Golden Tan combination is a sign of things to come.

When it comes to driving revenue for the Golf apparel brands it is about great color, creative styling and ingenious design. Nike has the team and the resources to take full advantage of their global poster boy in on-trend colors like plum/purple, mandarin/orange, Tuscan/tan and ice/blues. Doral in Miami and The Masters provide the perfect fairways for the new and colorful TW collection!

Check next week for the introduction of The Custom Golf Consortium.... world class custom golf products from 10 companies to be introduced at the end of April!



Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Golf Fitness Magazine Performance Apparel Rankings winners, others impress in the fashion aisles

This year's PGA Show was the most Fashionable to date due to some fabulous new collections and the show stopper this year... Ashworth’s new urban environment (booth).

With apparel playing a more important role every year at the show, some brands pulled out all the stops with great collections and cocktail parties galore. My choice for best collection was Tehama's women's collection. A bold and bright collection in TECH fabrics and an elegant and sophisticated offering in classic fabrics.

In men's Peter Millar featured their colorful southern elegance with rich colors and superb displays. The single item that got my attention is the new "classic" shoe by adidas. A very modern interpretation with great design.

The Dunning booth (winner of the TECH category) was packed the entire show. Ralph Dunning is capturing the performance market with great product and Zach Johnson as the face of the brand.

Ahead (winner of the Hybrid category ) continues to make very strong inroads into men's apparel, from the beginnings of a head wear company. The Kate Lord women's collection is a must for every pro shop with a very street smart edge and great design and styling features. The tulip sleeve is one of the coolest style features I have ever seen in women's.

Let's talk about presentation ... The new Ashworth booth is just in a league of it's own! A very modern urban environment showcasing the four new directional collections. You can see John Ashworth's signature ALL over it! The new Calvin Klein collection was presented in a typical Calvinesque palette of Black-White-Gray....the collection was high Fashion in Golf with numerous highlights....the women's dress pants are exquisite. How about personal presentation... Germaine Bolds-Leftridge is the infectiously passionate owner and designer for 18th Couture, a first time Fashion entry in women's ... mark my words ... you will here a lot more of them in the near future. Great color scheme's, elegant dresses with a decidedly urban flair.

The two Fashion events of the year to look forward to? The JPC Golf and Gala in DC on May 12th and 13th and the Grand Opening of the Payne Stewart Golf Club the week of July 1st.
This will also be the year where the mundane demo day concept will be transformed into the...

Apparel and Equipment Demo Day Extravaganza ... for more information e-mail us at

To a most Fashionable year where we create a WOW experience ... World Class Only Wins!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Customization will be among top three apparel trends for 2008

First of all let me wish you a healthy, happy and most Fashionable 2008. The Tour is already underway in Hawaii and the PGA show is around the corner.

The yearly get together of the world of golf in Orlando promises to be bigger and better than ever. In equipment there will be most certainly a plethora of introductions.

In apparel we will see the offerings for Fall 2008. I predict that the customization of apparel will garner significant attention this year due to more companies offering custom made apparel and accessories. I have been scouring the Fashion landscape for the finest companies in custom shoes, slacks, belts, shirts, hats, weather wear, golf bags and grips.

For the very first Apparel and Equipment Custom Demo Day Extravaganza Feb. 9 at The PGA Golf Club a unique cadre of companies will be featured, never before presented at one venue. Otabo will be featuring custom golf shoes, produced right here in Florida Elevee will feature custom hats and slacks manufactured in Los Angeles Martin Dingman will feature custom belts hand crafted in Diamond City Arkansas 59Belts will feature custom belt buckles Marbas will feature Italian custom golf apparel, Peter Millar will feature custom golf apparel created stateside Pro Quip will feature custom weather wear MacKenzie golf bags will feature the finest walking bags

While custom fitting in equipment has long been established as the benchmark for the finest equipment, so will custom made apparel and accessories redefine the standard for golf apparel, as we know it. In the luxury retail environment custom suits, shirts and shoes have a long history of the preferred choice of the most discerning clientele.

With a national roll out planned for the A&E Custom Demo Day Extravaganza, the golfer that demands the finest in custom apparel will have access to the very finest in custom golf apparel at a host venue nearby.

I can say from experience, there is nothing more rewarding than owning attire custom made for the individual.... it is one of the finer joys of life. The personal touch that you can infuse in your wardrobe with your own taste level, gives you the greatest expression of individuality possible. Decide to match your custom clubs with custom attire in 2008, because the golfer that is dressed to kill has always had the advantage.... and always will.